Sunday, April 11, 2010

You Can Have Some Fun Growing Tomatoes From Seeds

One year it would be fun when growing tomatoes  from seed..
to plant one of those wildly different tomatoes.
  • The good news is that they are easy to find. 
  • The bad news is they usually come in seed packets, so you not only will be growing tomatoes from seed cannot get just one. 
  • You would have to grow it in a container and separate from the rest of your tomatoes or cross pollination will affect them.
  • The best idea just for fun would be to only grow this odd sort of tomato plants one year and buy the regular tomatoes at the local farmers market.

What are some odd sorts of tomatoes?

There are hundreds of others, some in the shape of a heart, some that look like peppers or pears.  They are all FUN!!

The point is...

You cannot have success with growing tomatoes from seeds...
unless you ALSO have solid tomato gardening tips and guides!
  • They will talk about soil preparations
  • They will discuss common problems growing tomatoes and give solutions
  • They will share their own secrets
Organic gardening sounds scary, but trying out some of their priciples while growing tomatoes might be a good starting point.
A free newsletter to help get you started with organic gardening, and composting  might be just the thing for you:  Try this  organic gardening guide

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Try Growing Tomatoes From Seeds With Tomato Growing Tips

Sometimes people shy away from growing tomatoes from seed and just transplant the plants from the local nursery or garden center. you can find more varieties of tomato plnats, size shape and color if you might grow tomato from seed. Here is an article I wrote for Article Base on this topic.

Discover Tomato Growing Tips For Having Some Fun Growing Tomatoes From Seed
By Sue Gnagy Fegan

Growing tomatoes by seed will mean different things, depending on the climates you live in. Go to a gardening center or local nursery and you should find some charts explaining the growing zones, These growing zones are based on common tomato growing tips that tell you to wait until last frost usually comes. There are the warm places that never freeze so planting happens at any time. Then there are other places where you can start early early spring. A large number of folks are in the next two groups when the last frost is early May or first of June.

When growing tomatoes from seed, the best choice is really to be able to put seeds directly into the garden. This way there is no plant stress from transplanting that often takes a week for the roots to take hold and the plant to start growing again. You must have extremely well cultivated soil to plant the tomato seeds straight into the garden. In addition you will need lots of sun and moisture that will give you healthy juicy tomatoes growing in no time.

For those who live in cooler climates, tomato seed swill need to be started indoors in the winter. You need seeding soil, a glass or plastic cover to put over the seeds while germinating, and a sunny window. There are tomato seed kits available that make it easy with lots of tomato growing tips, or your gardening center can help find the right do it yourself supplies.

One thing to consider when growing tomatoes from seed is that tomatoes need a lot of sun, at least six hours a day. That makes it important to find a good place to put your garden, or growing container tomatoes on a patios or deck . Otherwise all of the hard work you put into nurturing the plants you grew from seeds will have been wasted! Using black plastic once in the ground will help keep the soil warm.

Your basic tomato growing tips for starting a tomato plant from seed are generally no different from any other planting you might do. The same tips can apply to growing your favorite annual from seed.. It is all common sense gardening. The tomato gardener may try using some organic tomato
growing methods, or even the recent fad of an upside down tomato garden.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What is the Secret To Knowing When I Should Plant Tomatoes?

If you are growing tomatoes from seeds, or transplanting plants, you need to have some kind of idea of when the conditions are right for planting, otherwise your seeds will just sit there and shrivel up if it is dry, or mold up if it is too wet! the following is an article on this subject i wrote for Article

by Sue Gnagy Fegan

For most tomato fans and backyard gardeners, the question, "When should I plant tomatoes?" is generally answered easily at your local gardening centers and nurseries. These are the professionals who best understand the local climate and growing patterns. . They also will have plenty of tomato gardening supplies for you and be able to give you plenty of tomato gardening tips and advice. They have everything well organized and labeled. There may even be free pamphlets with additional information.. Online support. is available with many gardening places.

Here is the question, " When should I plant tomatoes or does it really matter?"

There are key weekends, when gardening centers and nurseries usually have great sales. Based on experience and their own tomato gardening tips, they have figured which are best planting weekends. In the United States Mother's Day and Memorial Day are big gardening sales opportunities as they fall on the dates when you can expect no more frost. Using sale weekends as a guide will be a great benchmark to plan your tomato planting schedule. Your only worry will be spending too much at the sales since you will get your annuals at the same time!

When you buy your plants it is important to take the time to double check that what you are buying is what you thought you were getting. Plant packs easily get put back in the wrong places, so if you want the larger, beefy kind of tomato, you do not want to end up with cherry tomatoes. Signs are helpful, but there really is no way to tell the difference in tomato plants except by the little tabs they put in the plants.

Here is another interesting tidbit. The tomato gardening supplies centers and nurseries will have tomato plants at various stages of development. This can be a time-saver for the procrastinator, or people who missed the best planting weekends due to weather or other conflicts. You will be able to buy very large tomato plants that have been growing for awhile a container, and plant them. Guess what? It will look like they were planted six weeks earlier! Of course you pay a price for these larger plants.

That brings us to another popular fad which is patio containers and planters. Tomatoes will need large containers and the tomato gardening supplies centers should have plants advertised as dwarf plants. These are designed to be used in growing container tomatoes on you patio or deck. Many people put a cherry tomato plant here, but regular tomatoes will also work.

When should I plant tomatoes or does it really matter? It does matter, but your local tomato gardening supplies and home improvement centers are a good place to find ways to work around the best systems Not to mention an excellent source of tomato gardening tips and advice.