Sunday, April 11, 2010

You Can Have Some Fun Growing Tomatoes From Seeds

One year it would be fun when growing tomatoes  from seed..
to plant one of those wildly different tomatoes.
  • The good news is that they are easy to find. 
  • The bad news is they usually come in seed packets, so you not only will be growing tomatoes from seed cannot get just one. 
  • You would have to grow it in a container and separate from the rest of your tomatoes or cross pollination will affect them.
  • The best idea just for fun would be to only grow this odd sort of tomato plants one year and buy the regular tomatoes at the local farmers market.

What are some odd sorts of tomatoes?

There are hundreds of others, some in the shape of a heart, some that look like peppers or pears.  They are all FUN!!

The point is...

You cannot have success with growing tomatoes from seeds...
unless you ALSO have solid tomato gardening tips and guides!
  • They will talk about soil preparations
  • They will discuss common problems growing tomatoes and give solutions
  • They will share their own secrets
Organic gardening sounds scary, but trying out some of their priciples while growing tomatoes might be a good starting point.
A free newsletter to help get you started with organic gardening, and composting  might be just the thing for you:  Try this  organic gardening guide